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It can be very helpful depending upon the treatment given to the patient. If the patient is reciving treatment that weakens the immune system, diseases such as even the common cold can easily be deadly.

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Q: Is disease management helpful to cancer patients that are currently in remission?
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If untreated, Whipple's disease can be fatal, but when treated with antibiotic therapy most patients experience rapid recovery and lasting remission. However, up to a third of patients may suffer a relapse.

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What is root for remission?

The root for remission is "remit." It refers to the action of canceling or reducing something, typically in the context of a disease or debt. In the medical context, remission refers to the period when the signs and symptoms of a disease are reduced or disappear.

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Wegener's is now a very managable disease. It can be treated with introvenous cyclophasphamide and prednisolone steroids then controlled with azathioprine, keeping patients in remission.

Is a disease management approach helpful for diabetes patients?

I believe disease management can be very useful in the management of diabetes. Diabetics have to follow very strict diets, and a plan of care can help to keep the patioent as healthy and well as they can be.

Crohns is in remission what does this mean?

Remission is the time when the disease is not active. Symptoms are not usually apparent or causing problems and the Crohns disease patient feels well.

How christian's receive baptism?

They can be baptized by a Christian in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the remission of sins. Remission means the going away of. Like if you are in remission from a disease, the disease goes away and is not in your body anymore.

What does it mean ''to go into remission''?

Complete remission or response. The cancer completely disappears. The course of chemotherapy is completed and the patient is tested regularly for a recurrence.

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Is multiple sclerosis curable?

Myesthenia Gravis can be controlled and may go to Remission for a long time for about 50% of the patients. With medications that increase muscle strength and with subsequent removal of the Thymus (usually abnormal in patients with MG), there is a fairly good prognosis to eliminate symptomps that may lead to remission of the disease. But there is still a percentage of it coming back. So no, there is no Cure but it can be managed.

What is the prognosis for Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia?

There is no cure for WM. In general, patients go into partial or complete remission following initial treatments. However the disease is not cured and follow-up treatment may be necessary.

Is a patient happy when his disease goes into remission?
