

Is dog food sticky

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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yes no maybe so (yes)

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Q: Is dog food sticky
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What animal have long sticky tongue?

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Can dog have people food?

technically, yes. But this depends on several factors: 1. Keep in mind that some foods might be harmful for dogs 2. If you feed your dog too much people food, he/she could easily be prone to begging more often (not fun) 3. Just be careful what/how often you feed your dog people food. If you dont do it too often however, your dog might just view it as another treat.

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by take out their sticky tongue

How could the attachments of a frogs tongue help it catch insects for food?

because it is sticky and that is what the sticky part is for

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Space food doesn't stay on the plate unless it is sticky. If it is not sticky then it floats around wherever it wants to.

What did they use in getting food?

claws, sticky toungue

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Take her to the vet.

How does can dog food servings compare to dry dog food servings?

Can dog food servings are littler than dry dog food. Can dog food is condensed more and has less in a can

How do frog get and eat their food?

using its long and sticky tounge

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sweet sticky foods

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Add food colouring.

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Meat flavored dog food...