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It depends on the baby because if it spent it's whole life eating dog hair and dust than it will be ok, but if the baby only sees it when it is 2 or 3 than it might be really bad.

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Q: Is dog hair and dust bad for baby's lungs?
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Why should you brush your hair regularly?

I guess to get everything bad out your hair , its bad when you over do it. it also depends on the brush. brushing tends to tear hair which is bad. combing through your hair with your fingers is supposed to be better for it. or use a wide toothed comb. It Also gets rid of the dust out your hair.

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Breathing the strong chemicals used in perm solutions certainly isn't good for your lungs.

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the reason why is because when you inhale dust it irritates your lungs so you cough being in it for too long the dust will settle in your longs and you wont be able to stop coughing

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Sun is not bad for hair,sun can lighten hair,but is not bad for it.

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As an owner of a guinea pig, i say yes, a hamster can be bad for asthma because: -The litter in the cage gives off dust, which can become an irritant -The hamster sheds, and the hair can irritate the throat

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your lungs. quit smoking.. very bad for you.

Why is tar bad for your health?

Tar is very bad for you and your lungs. it is inside cigarettes and smoking is very bad for your lungs (turns them black).