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No, it is a verb. Mostly all nouns, if not all, make sense when you say 'the' before it. For example: you can say 'the picture' but not 'the drinking.'

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Q: Is drinking a noun
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What type of noun is drinking?

The word "drinking" is a gerund, the present participle of a verb that functions as a noun, a common, uncountable, concrete noun; a word for a thing.Example: His drinking on the job made it difficult for his co-workers.

Is glasses a abstract or concrete noun?

The noun 'glasses' is a concrete noun as a word for eyewear or drinking vessels; a word for a physical object or objects.

Is glasses abstract or concrete Noun?

The noun 'glasses' is a concrete noun; a word for a vision aid or drinking vessels; a word for physical objects.

How do you say 'drink' in German?

Drinking = trinken (verb) Drinking = trinkend (gerund)

How do you turn slave from common noun to abstract noun?

Use the noun metaphorically to make it describe an abstract concept. Example: After he began drinking, Tom became a slave to alcohol.

How do you say drink in Japanese?

The verb as in drinking a liquid would be nomimasu, and the noun would be nomimono

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How do you use drinking in the greenery in a sentence?

The term "drinking in the greenery" will function as a predicate or an adverbial clause.The verb "drinking" is a metaphor, it isn't used to mean physically consuming a green liquid. The verb in this context means "taking in" or "enjoying"As a predicate, it will follow a subject noun, pronoun, or noun phrase (usually with an auxiliary verb):They were drinking in the greenery. (the subject is 'they', the auxiliary verb is 'were')As an adverbial clause, it will modify a verb:We sat on the veranda drinking in the greenery. (modifies the verb 'sat')

Is the word glasses a noun?

No, glasses is not just a noun. Glasses, not matter how you mean it, is a plural noun. If you mean glasses as in drinking glasses then there is more than one. Making it a plural noun. If you are talking about reading glasses, then there are two lenses. Making it also a plural noun.

How do you use the word ibis in a sentence?

It it a noun. Use it this way: I saw anibis drinking from the River Nile

What is collective noun of vessels?

A collective noun for ocean going vessels is a fleet of vessels. A collective noun for drinking vessels is a set of vessels. A collective noun for liquid carrying (in plants and animals) vessels is a system of vessels.

Is supply a verb or a noun?

The word 'supply' is both a verb and a noun.Examples:The hotel can supply a guide for our excursion. (verb)By the fifth day the supply of drinking water was gone. (noun)