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You can drink on depression pills, but if you read the warning signs on the prescription bottle you will see that is says not to drink while on the pills because you can act drowsy and be careful if you are drinking and popping the depression pill while using a machine. It is mind altering no matter what because you are drinking alcohol.

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10y ago

Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) antidepresants, when mixed with alcohol, can spike one's blood pressure resulting in a stroke or other potentially life threatening medical condition. While antidepressant/alcohol drug interactions are fairly rare, alcohol itself is a depressant, undermining the effects of the prescription drug.

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11y ago

No, as a general rule. If I were a doctor, and for some reason I WANTED a patient to become depressed, I would prescribe alcohol. Why would you take an antidepressant medication and a depressant substance at the same time? Not all medications work miracles; patients have to use some clear thinking and some fortitude to handle some issues, including depression. Check all such questions with your primary care physician and/or the physician prescribing the antidepressant.

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Drinking alchol while taking wellbutrin will increase risk of seizures and other psychological problems. Also, it will decrease your tolerance for alcohol so symptoms of being drunk will appear sooner.

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ALCOHOL: Avoid drinking alcohol and taking medications that contain alcohol while taking keroconzole and for at least three days after you finish the medication. Alcohol may cause nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, headaches, and flushing the medication out your system without giving it a chance to work properly.

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Yes. But you should avoid drinking alcohol while taking metronidazole - it can cause you to be very sick.

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