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No, it is just Carbon dioxide in solid state (converted from gas directly to solid by sublimation). No ionic forces present. These are van der wall forces only.

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Q: Is dry ice an amorphous solid?
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It is not a solid and it is not a liquid what is it?

If you are referring to products such as ice cream or butter, it is an amorphous solid.

What is solid CO2 called?

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Why does ice has a sharp melting point where as glass melts over a range of temperature?

Because ice is a crystalline solid and glass is a amorphous solid

What is the common name for dry ice?

Dry ice IS the solid form of carbon dioxide. And "dry ice" IS the common name for the solid CO2. So the question should be "What substance is the common name Dry Ice used for ? "

Is dry ice the same as water in the solid state?

No. Dry ice is carbon dioxide in the solid state. Regular ice is solid water.

Is dry ice a element?

Dry ice is not an element. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide, CO2, which is a compound.

Is glass a crystalline or amorphous solid?

it is an amorphous solid

What is the chemical name of dry ice. why is it called dry ice. Is dry ice is same as the ordinary ice?

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO2). It is called dry ice because it does not melt when it heats up, it goes directly from solid to gas. It is NOT the same as ordinary ice, which is of course, solid water. Dry ice is much colder than ordinary ice.

How can dry ice come?

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide.

Is glass an Amorphous solid?

Yes, glass is an amorphous solid.

Particles are arranged in no particular order in this type of solid?


What is dry ice and is dry ice the solid state of water and explain based of your observations.?

Dry ice is solid CO2. It is a cooling agent used in refrigerators, etc..