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Dumpster diving itself is not prohibited by law as discarded items are considered public domain. However; many dumpsters are located on private property so there may be some issues with trespassing laws.

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Q: Is dumpster diving illegal in Oregon?
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Is dumpster diving illegal in California?

yes it is

Is it illegal to dumpster dive in Las Vegas?

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Is legal to dumpster dive in fort smith Arkansas?

Cop told me earlier that dumpster diving even on public property is illegal and My friend, brother and I got into trouble dumpster diving

What are the dumpster diving laws in Utah?

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What are the dumpster diving laws in Louisiana?

Dumpster diving is legal in the state of Louisiana. However, dumpsters are located on private property and by dumpster diving, and individual can be charged with trespassing.

Is dumpster diving illegal in Florida?

it can be illegal if you do not get permission from the owner of the store, and if they say yes (which they wont) and you get injured they might think you would sue them. hope this information works :D

What are the Michigan laws for dumpster diving?

It is generally legal (California vs. Greenwood,) but you can take things from the trash that would be considering stealing.(Tennant Co. v. Advance Machine Co.,) The only illegal thing for dumpster diving is if you are trespassing when you access the dumpster or if you have to break into it to access its contents.

What are the laws of dumpster diving in Indiana?

Dumpster diving is legal as long there are no trespassing signs, gates/walls/fences surrounding it, and you are not damaging property. It is illegal if you find and or use private information like credit card numbers or social security.

What is Dumpster Diving?

Dumpster Diving, the salvation of waste, involves picking food and discarded articles out of dumpsters or skips. This diverts items from landfill, so there is an environmental issue with it.

Is it illegal to dumpster dive in irvine CA?

They would use other statutes if they didn't like it, like trespassing. If you can afford South OC, what are you doing diving/

Is dumpster diving legal in Sebring FL?


Is it illegal to go dumpster diving in Ohio?

Dumpster diving is legal in the United States except where prohibited by local regulation. According to a 1988 Supreme Court Ruling (California vs. Greenwood), when a person throws something out, that item is now the public domain. However, if a dumpster is against a building or inside a fenced enclosure marked "No Trespassing," you could be questioned, ticketed or even arrested by the police.