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Q: Is ear pulling a punishment
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Sexiness or manliness

How do you put letter into a sentence?

By holding your nose and pulling your left ear.

If an infant is pulling on their ear is that a syptom of an ear infection?

Infants tend to pull their ears when they start teething as the gums start irritating them and they have no idea where the source of pain is. Until one year pulling on ear is only due to teething. Please refer the link below for catual signs of an ear infection.

What does pulling the ear lobe means in body language?

It is a way of saying hello

Is ear pulling acceptable discipline for a childcare provider to do to your child?

I figgure that it is although doing this to much can damage your child's ear. So I figgure that this motive is acceptable but not reccomended

What do it mean to dream of pulling wax out of your ear?

To dream that you are cleaning wax from your ears suggests that you are not listening to those around you. There may be something that you are refusing to hear. Are you turning a deaf ear?

How do clip on earrings clip on?

You open the earring by pulling the lever thingy that can be pulled in the back of the earring then put it on your ear lobe

What were the clues Amy sent in Stolen Children by Peg Kehret?

The clues that Amy left was pulling on her ear like she had did in her own story that she wrote

I recently viewed a clip of a monkey who was giving some lions a real hassle pulling their tail or their ear How can I find that clip again?

Why ear becomes red without pulling it or without causing any hurt?

i put heater in home after hours my ear become red and burn this first time ....after 10 minutes it became normal condition i switch off heater every thing ok know

How do you rub a coin into your elbow and then make it come out somebodies ear?

u rub it into the sleeve on the hand that ur pulling out the coin and then after u sho then ur hands u flick ur rist befor u touch there ear catch the coin in the hnd and act as tho u pull it out