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Yes, gravity is slightly weaker at the top of a mountain compared to sea level, but the difference is minimal. This is because the mass of the mountain is insignificant compared to the mass of the Earth.

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4w ago
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4w ago

Yes, gravity is slightly weaker at the top of a mountain compared to sea level, but the difference is minimal. This is because the mass of the mountain is insignificant compared to the mass of the Earth.

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14y ago

Earth's gravity will not change normally on the ground, however yes, you will experience a decreased pull at your height, and you weight will also decrease. If you were to go higher, you would feel the gravity even less!

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Q: Is earth gravity weaker on a top of a mountain?
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Does mass and weight change with altitude or elevation?

Mass does not change with altitude or elevation because it is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains. However, weight can change with altitude or elevation because it is the force of gravity acting on an object, and gravity is weaker at higher altitudes.

Why do we sense gravitational interaction with the earth but don't sense electrical forces between us and our environment?

We do. The fact that you are reading this means that you are processing electromagnetic waves. The reason gravity is stronger (electricity doesn't tend to push you around physically) is that we are sitting on top of a massive object and gravity is proportional to mass, while the Earth's electro-magnetic field is MUCH weaker (because positive and negative charges cancel but there is no anti-gravity to weaken the gravitational field).

Is the gravity the same everywhere on mars?

No, the gravity on Mars is not the same everywhere. It varies slightly depending on the local topography and density of the underlying rock. On average, the surface gravity on Mars is about 38% of the gravity on Earth.

What would change your mass or weight if you climbed up something?

The pull of gravity depends on the distance between the two objects. The total gravity of the earth is measured, roughly, from the center of the earth. The same with your body - your "center of gravity" is somewhere around your belly button. As you climb a mountain, the distance between your center and the earth's center gets a little bit longer, so the gravity is a little bit weaker. The end result is you weigh a little bit less. The same thing happens as you fly higher in an airplane. Keep going even higher in, say, the space shuttle, and eventually the gravity becomes so weak that you are practically weightless. (The mathematics and physics behind all of this is more complicated. I have tried to give a simpler answer, so before all you scientists blast me for over-simplifying, remember we don't know who asked this question in the first place, and how technical they want to get...)

Does the radius of earth effect weight?

Yes, the radius of the Earth affects weight because weight is the force of gravity pulling an object towards the Earth's center. The greater the distance from the center of the Earth, the weaker the force of gravity and the lower the weight of an object. So, as you move away from the Earth's center, your weight will decrease.

Related questions

Why is there less gravity at the top of a mountain?

There is less gravity at the top of a mountain because the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the Earth. At higher altitudes, you are farther away from the center of the Earth, so gravity is slightly weaker.

Why would the person weigh less on top of the mountain than on the Earths surface?

A person weighs less on top of a mountain because the force of gravity is slightly weaker at higher elevations compared to the Earth's surface. This is due to the greater distance from the center of the Earth and the gravitational pull being slightly weaker at higher altitudes.

Why would you weigh less on a high mountain than at sea level?

The weight of an object is the force of gravity on the object's mass. At the top of a mountain, you are slightly farther from the center of the earth, and so the earth's gravity is very slightly weaker. Thus, you weigh a tiny, tiny bit less at the top of the mountain than at sea level.

Would you weigh less on a high mountain peak than you would at sea level?

The weight of an object is the force of gravity on the object's mass. At the top of a mountain, you are slightly farther from the center of the earth, and so the earth's gravity is very slightly weaker. Thus, you weigh a tiny, tiny bit less at the top of the mountain than at sea level.

Where on earth is the force of gravity the lowest?

At the top of the highest mountain.The force is inversely proportional to the distance between the centers of the masses.The top of the highest mountain is the farthest you can get from the center of the earth and still remain "on earth".

Why would you weigh less on a high mountain peak than you would at sea level?

You would weigh less on a high mountain peak compared to at sea level because the force of gravity is slightly weaker at higher altitudes further from the center of the Earth. The gravitational pull decreases as you move away from the Earth's center, resulting in a slight decrease in your weight.

Can you feel gravity on top of a mountain?

Your weight is the result of the force of gravity. Without gravity you would be weightless and would float away. This does not happen on the top of mountains. Because you are farther from the center of the Earth, your weight is slightly less on top of a mountain, but compared to the diameter of the Earth, mountains are quite small, and the difference in weight is very slight, and would not even be noticed. So yes, you feel gravity on top of a mountain.

Would an object weigh more at the top of a mountain or at sea level?

You would weigh more at sea level. As you get father away from the surface of the earth, the force of gravity is weaker

Why does the weight of a stone is less at the top of a mountain than at its bottom?

The weight of a stone at the top of a mountain is less than at its bottom because the gravitational force decreases with distance from the center of the Earth. Therefore, at higher altitudes, the force of gravity pulling the stone towards the center of the Earth is slightly weaker, resulting in a lower weight reading on a scale.

Why would a person weigh less on top of a mountain than on Earth's surface?

A person would weigh slightly less on top of a mountain due to the weaker gravitational pull at higher altitudes. This reduction in weight is caused by the greater distance from Earth's center.

Why does an object weigh less at the top of the mountain than does at sea level?

An object weighs less at the top of a mountain because the gravitational force acting on it is slightly weaker due to being farther from the center of the Earth. This decrease in gravitational force results in a slightly lower weight for the object compared to at sea level.

Why would a person weigh more on top of a mountain then on the earth?

They would not. In fact, they would weigh slightly less. The force of gravity decreases as an object gets further from the centre of the Earth.