

Is eat like a horse a simile?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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10y ago

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It would be more appropriately phrased as "the car was as fast as a horse".

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Q: Is eat like a horse a simile?
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The whole sentence is a simile. The definition of a simile is a sentence using like or as.

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Are metaphores and similies the same?

No. Metaphors do not use the terms "like" or "as" in them. Example: "I'm so hungry, I can eat a horse." You don't really mean you can eat a horse, it's just an expression. A simile uses like or as. Example: "The baby was so small, it looked like a doll." See how they are different? I hope I helped! If not, look up similes and metaphors on google.

Does 'To eat like a horse' mean to eat less and remain hale and healthy?

"To eat like a horse" means to eat a LOT of food.

How do you transform a simile into a metaphor?

In simile, you use the words like, as. For example: "She is cute as a puppy."In metaphor, it does not use the words like, as.For example: "He is a pig."So to transform a simile to a metaphor, you should not use the words, like, as in the sentence.For example:Simile- I eat like a pig.Metaphor - I am a pig.Hope this helps.

Is this class is like a circus a metaphor or simile?

A simile.

Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

As hungry as a horse is which figure of speech?

It is a simile