

Is eating popcorn kernels bad

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: Is eating popcorn kernels bad
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Related questions

What are kernels of popcorn that haven't been poped called?

In the popcorn industry, unpopped kernels are known as "old-maids".

Is popcorn a compound or mixture?

it is a mixture because of the sugar and popcorn kernels

Could popcorn be dangerous?

Yes, you could choke and die on the kernels. So, you better be careful when eating.

How many ml in 1.5 ounces of popcorn kernels?

You need to know the density of popcorn kernels.

Certain companies that produce popcorn develop a criteria for what makes a good popcorn kernel. Write a ratio in simplest form that compares the number of good kernels to the number of bad kernels if 500 kernels are examined and only 250 are accepted?


Which popcorn has the more popcorn kernels?

it is Orville redden bock er popcorn

Which will have less unpopped kernels yellow popcorn or white popcorn?


What is the boiling point of popcorn kernels?

Popocorn kernels don't have a boiling point.

What are the ingredients popcorn?

Popcorn is a snack food made up of hard kernels that swell up and burst open with a pop when heated. Its main ingredients are popcorn kernels and oil.

Which popcorn brand pops the less unpopped kernels?

not all of the kernels pop in popcorn bags but the best so far Orville reddenbocker.

What is inside an unpopped popcorn kernal?

moisture which makes the kernels turn into popcorn

How does the storage temperature of popcorn affect the ratio of kernels popped?

The storage temperature of popcorn affects the ratio of kernels popped, because if you freeze the kernels, it messes with the moisture in the middle of the kernels. (The moisture is what heats up, causing the popcorn to explode.)But when the popcorn is stored at room temperature the moisture is not altered in any way, making it the BEST way to pop the kernel.