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Elasticity is a physical property.

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Tomasa Crooks

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3y ago
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Q: Is elasticity property or chemical property?
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Is elasticity a physical property or a chemical property?

Elasticity is a physical change i believe.

Elasticity is a chemical change?

It is neither chemical nor is it a change. Elasticity is a physical property.

Is a elasticity a physical change or a chemical change?

Elasticity is a physical property related to the ability of a material to deform and return to its original shape when a force is applied. It is not a change in the chemical composition of the material, so it is a physical property rather than a chemical change.

Is tensile a chemical or physical property?

Tensile strength is a physical property that describes the ability of a material to resist breaking under tension. It is not a chemical property, as it is related to the physical behavior of the material when force is applied to it.

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Is elasticity in chemical or physical change?


Is elasticity physical or chemical change?


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What makes elasticity a physical property?

The concept of elasticity is a physical property because force can mutate a physical item and then when that force is removed and elastic object returns to its original form.æ Using elasticity to explain non physical phenonmena is a misnomer.

Is elasticity extensive or intensive property?

Elasticity is an intensive property because it does not depend on the amount of the material being considered, but rather on its intrinsic physical characteristics. It remains constant regardless of the size or quantity of the material.

Is a react with acid a chemical or a physical property?

Chemical property because acid is a chemical

What property describes the ability of a substance to change into other substances?

chemical property.