

Is electricity better than coal or oil for heating?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No it is not. To explain: Coal produces 6,150 kWh of heat per ton, and that heat only converts 40% of that into electricity - so pound per pound burning coal as a direct heat source produces less pollution and uses less coal than converting the coal into electricity and then back to heat (IE: a 40% loss). Heating Oil lowers the cost per kWh or BTU by around 40.6% (or about the same amount).

To heat the average home, by fuel use & cost:

  • Oil - $1,247 or 138,700 BTU per gallon
  • Natural Gas - $1,463 or 100,000 BTU per Therm
  • Wood - $2,102 or 8,000 BTU per pound (High pollutant)
  • Propane - $2,523 or 92,000 BTU per gallon
  • Electric - $4,071 or 3,413 BTU per kWh

Source: Energy Information Agency, U.S. Dept. of Energy 2007

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