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yes it is

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Q: Is elegant an adjective
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Is elegant a noun or an adjective?


Is elegant a noun?

Elegant is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example an elegant restaurant, an elegant outfit.

What is the abstract noun of elegant?

The abstract noun form for the adjective elegant is elegance.

What part of speech is magnificence?

The word magnificent is an adjective. It means to be grand or elegant.

Synonyms for elegant?

Elegant, essentially, means stylish or graceful in good taste or behavior. Some synonyms would be sophisticated, neat, exquisite and chic.

Is elegant a verb?

The word "elegant" is not a verb, but an adjective. Adjectives are words that describe nouns and verbs. A woman, a party, or the movement of dance may all be described as elegant.

Is delicate an adjective?

No, delicately is an adverb. The adjective form is "delicate" (fragile, or elegant).

What is the definition of the word classy?

The basic definition of classy is stylish and or elegant. Someone who is classy will act with class or in an elegant manner.The world classy is an adjective.

Adjective of beautiful that starts with e?

Elegant is a synonym for beautiful. It begins with the letter e.

What part of speech is elegance?

The word "elegant" is an adjective. Here is an example of its usage in a sentence: The Millers threw an elegant affair, one that will be remembered for ages.

What kind of word is elegant?

The word 'elegant' is an adjective, a word to describe a noun as pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; pleasingly ingenious and simple. Example sentence:The new dress will transform me from a store clerk to elegant lady.

How do you spell luxurios?

The correct spelling of the word has the -ous adjective form, luxurious (fancy, elegant).