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NO. The left side of the brain is believed to be expert at language, numbers, critical thinking, logic and reasoning. So if you are good in math, it is most likely that you are also good in writing. It is more appropriate to say that Engineering is for people who are interested in Math and they are left-brained people.

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Q: Is engineering for people who are good at math but bad at writing and are left brained?
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Is engineering hard if you are good at math but not at writing?

No it is not

Is it true that if I as an individual am excellent with math I will fail science and engineering?

Left brained people are usually good at math and sciences. So if you are good at math you should do well with science and engineering. The key here though is that you study. Just because it's easier for you to understand the concepts in math and science doesn't mean you don't have to do the work necessary to achieve good grades.

Do you need to be good at writing 2500 word essays to be good at physics and engineering?

No, you have to be good at physics and engineering to be good at it. Engineering would require you to write reports, but to write a 2500 word report? It's about quality, not quantity. If you can write a good essay, then you should have no problem writing up reports for when you do engineering work - assuming you know what you're doing. If you're hopeless at writing essays, physics and engineering, then you're going to be bad at it.

Are left brain people good at math?

Yes...and no. Most left brained people are very logical and analytical which can lead one to believe that the 49% left brained population of the world tends to be better at more logical subjects.

What academic subjects are right brained students good at?

Right-brained students often excel in subjects that involve creativity, imagination, and holistic thinking, such as art, music, drama, and creative writing. They may also perform well in subjects that require a strong ability to visualize and think spatially, such as geometry or design.

Are there engineers who are not good at writing essays?

I'm sure there are many emngineers who are not good at writing essays. - Just as there are many writers who are not good at engineering

What are the chances of dyslexic or dysgraphic people into engineering?

Very high, most engineers are not good at writing anyway, they are only good at the math and the numerical and logical processes.

Is it true that if you're good at math but bad at writing papers you will fail physics and engineering?

No, that is not true. But it helps to do good in writing so you can explain and document the facts and results of physics and engineering. I hated to write essays in school, but now I enjoy writing technical memos in engineering, so do your best

Are engineers really good at writing papers?

It depends on the person, if they are really good at writing:then yes. If they went into engineering because they weren't good at writing them: no

Is engineering for people who are excellent at Math but terrible at writing essays and papers?

it will be unwise to think that engineering is for good mathematicians who cant write essays, some are great writers it depend from individual to individual