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Q: Is estrogen made from horse urine?
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Is there horse pee in birth control pills?

No. Progesterone is the primary ingredient in most birth control pills and there are numerous ways to manufacture a synthetic version of it. Pregnant mare's urine is used for menopausal wome

Are estradiol tablets made with pregnant mares urine?

No. It is a natural bio-identical estrogen, made from plant sources that are micronized -- broken down into little pieces -- so it is easily absorbed and used by your body.

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How are patients prepared for estrogen tests?

The estrogen fraction test can be performed on blood and/or urine. It is not necessary for the patient to restrict food or fluids for either test. If a 24-hour urine test has been requested, the patient should call the laboratory for instructions.

What is the Nitrogen content of horse urine?

The exact content of nitrogen in horse urine will need to be tested. Human urine contains approximately 15-19% nitrogen.

How does estrogen get out to the ovary?

Estrogen is made in the ovary, so there's no travel involved.

Is makeup made up with horse pee?

No, but a drug called Premarin is. Premarin is short for PREgnant MARes urINe.

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How did Premarin get its name?

Premarin is short for: pregnant mare's urine. It consists of estrogen isolated from mare's urine and is used for hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.

Does horse urine or manure kill pine trees?

Horse urine or manure does not kill pine trees. The urine should be diluted because salts can accumulate in the soil which is not good for the pine.

Is there horse urine in penicillin?

Fuuck no, you cuunt.

Is phosphoric acid in horse urine?

Actually, phosphoric acid is concentrated hourse urine