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No. They are two different types of compounds in the alcohol family. The former is consumable (up to a certain point where anything past that point will be toxic), where methanol is not intended for consumption.

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Q: Is ethyl alcohol the same thing as methyl alcohol?
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Are MEK and MEK peroxide the same thing?

Not MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), MEK peroxide (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, which is trimeric).

What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?

Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, is madeof molecules containing one methyl group, with a chemical structure of CH3-OH. Methanol is highly toxic if inhaled, drunk, or absorbed through the skin and can cause blindness. Ethyl alcohol is the same as ethanol or grain alcohol. I has two methyl groups and looks like CH3-CH3-OH. This is the type of alcohol found in the alcoholic beverages people consume. Both compounds are organic and are good solvents and fixatives.

When making Ethyl Alcohol by fermentation when does Methyl Alcohol become a possibility and how do you avoid it?

Methyl Alcohol is not a product of fermentation so no steps are required to avoid it. You are morelikey to get annoying levels of Ethyl Acetate which is solvent smelling and tasting. Methyl Alcohol can be found in trace amounts in wine and fruit brandies but this is due to the breakdown of pectin the the cell walls of the fruit and not fermentation. Its worth noting that the treatment for Methyl Alcohol poisoning is ingestion of Ethyl Alcohol. Both are prcessed by the same enzyme which much prefers to breakdown Ethyl Alcohol. Basically they keep you drunk until all the Methyl Alcohol has been sweated/breathed/urinated out of your system. Methyl Alcohol isn't actually poisonous, BUT its metbolised by your body into chemicals that are. Any product of fermentation containing Methyl Alcohol will contain more than enough Ethyl Alcohol to protect you from it. Anyone concerned about Methyl Alcohol ingestion should read up on Aspartame. The Diet Coke you drink may exposure you to more methanol than you realise.

What is the difference between ethyl alcohol and grain alcohol?

They are the same thing. now shut up and enjoy it!

If you boil ethyl alcohol does the chemical structure change?

No. The chemical structure of ethyl alcohol gas is the same as ethyl alcohol liquid.

Is methyl hydrate the same as methyl alcohol?

Yes, it is

Is 90 percent isopropyl and grain alcohol the same thing?

No. Grain alcohol is ethyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is a different compound and is not safe to drink.

Are the properties of ethyl alcohol and ethanol the same?

Yes. Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol,

Is ethanol also known as methyl alcohol?

Methanol is known as methyl alcohol. Methanol's scientific name is where the "alcohol" variant name has come from. Essentially, alcohol and methanol is the same thing, however there are different types of alcohol.

Is ethanol the same thing as ethyl alcohol?

No. See the Related Questions links for the difference.

ETHYL alcohol for medical use test positive during a urine test?

Ethyl alcohol and beverage alcohol are the same thing. Alcohol can be absorbed through the skin. If you are subject to EtG testing, you could test positive. If you are given a normal immunoassay screen, you will be OK. Use gloves. Obviously, if you drink it you're caught.

What is the difference between ethyl alcohol and ethanol?

Nothing. 2 names - same meaning