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Yes, everyone in the Military is required to go to Basic Training.

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Q: Is everyone in the military required to go to basic training?
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Related questions

Does everyone in the military have to do basic training?

Every enlisted person has to. Officers have their own training regimen.

What does military basic training do foy you?

Basic training gets you ready for the military lifestyle as well as get you in shape and teach you self discipline.

Which branch of the military will give you basic training?

Is it required for any branch of the military to have new recruits complete a basic training camp. Most camps are eight to nine weeks in length and are designed to train a future soldier to become both physically and mentally fit.

What is a bootcamp?

slang term for the initial basic training period for new recruits in the military

Can you get out if basic after signing up with the air National Guard?

Basic Military Training (BMT) is required for all Enlisted personnel that sign up for the United States Air Force.

Is it possible for a recruit to know how many push-ups and sit-ups will be required in basic training before leaving for basic training?

Most likely the recruiter will know the answer to this question as they vary by branch of the military. The minimum is usually easy to reach since basic training is very physically demanding.

What is the book given in Basic Military Training to the future Airmen?

Afman10-100(airmans manual) and bmtsg(basic military training study guide)

What are some different types of military training?

Depending on what one's military occupational specialty is, will depend on the type of training that they receive. I was a radar repairman. I went to basic training, military combat training, basic electronics school, and radar repairman school.

What is the shortest military basic military traning?

The shortest military basic training program is typically found in the Air Force, which has a basic military training course that lasts for 8.5 weeks.

What classes do you have to take to be a military police?

you have to go trough basic training just like everyone else and go to military police tech schools where you will receive specialized training in weapons, self defense, laws, searches and seizures, and more

Are 'water drills' legal in military basic training?


Can you shave in basic training?

You are required to shave your face in Basic Training (BCT) if you are a man. If you are a woman and are inquiring about your legs and under your arms, then no, you are not required to shave these areas.