

Is exclusive an open or closed vowel?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is exclusive an open or closed vowel?
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What is a closed and open syllable?

Syllables, by definition, contain vowels. If the syllable ends in a vowel sound, it is open. If it ends in a consonant sound, it is closed.

Is candle a open or closed syllable?

both, candle has two syllables, can is a close syllable and dle is open

Is obey an open or closed syllable?

The word obey has 2 open syllables. Open syllables end with a vowel. Closed syllables end with a consonant.

Is less an open syllable?

Less is a closed syllable. There is a consonant after the vowel.

What part of trolley is open syllable and what part is closed syllable?

The second syllable is open. The 'Y' is used as a vowel. The first syllable is closed. (Trol-ley)

What is the difference between an open and closed syllable?

the word must consist of only one vowel and the vowel comes at the end. example of an open syllable is as follows: be. generally the vowel is a long sound.

What are closed syllables!?

A syllable is closed when a vowel is followed by a consonant. An easy way to remember it is that the vowel is "closed in" by the consonant.

What are the types of syllable?

A closed syllable. An open syllable. A vowel-consonant-e syllable. A vowel team syllable. A consonant-le syllable. An r-controlled syllable.

What is an open first syllable?

An open first syllable is a syllable that ends in a vowel sound. This type of syllable allows for the vowel to be pronounced with a long sound. Examples include "hi," "me," and "no."

How do you syllabicate the word biking and lovingly?

If the syllable ends in a long vowel sound, it's an open syllable. It should be bi-king. If the vowel is short, it is a closed syllable, lov-ing-ly.

Does open have a long vowel?

Yes, the "o" sound in "open" is a long vowel.

Show me open and closed syllables?

"Show" is open, "and" is closed. O- is open, -pen is closed. "Closed" is closed.