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Just be careful then your fine

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Q: Is eyeliner and mascara bad if you have contacts?
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How do you do emo eyes?

lots of mascara!! eyeliner.

I am 13 is it bad that I wear goldish eyeshadow brown eyeliner and brown mascara light blush and lip gloss?

No its not bad as long as it looks natural and not fake. I am 13 too and i wear black eyeliner but barely any dark brown almost black mascara again, not a lot and I put a very light pink blush on and lip gloss.

How do you make your eyes look darker there already a dark brown but you want them darker?

you could use really heavy eye make-up e.g. eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara. or you can buy contacts

What are the black particles in mucus?

I think its the mascara or eyeliner that your'e wearing.

How do you know if your makeup has gone bad?

I start having an allergic reaction to it. Or my face breaks out really bad. If it's mascara or eyeliner my eyelashes start literally falling out or it becomes kinda painful.

Can you wear liquid eyeliner with contacts on?

Yes you can wear liquid eyeliner with contacts Just beware of getting it in your eye when applying and avoid rubbing your eye. it is up to you

Should under 14s wear makeup?

umm well yes 14 you should wear eyeliner,mascara,eyeshadow,blush and gloss. 13,mascara,eyeshadow, white eyeliner,blush,and gloss any other age than that should wear eyeshadow,gloss and brown mascara

What is eye makeup?

Eye makeup is makeup for your eyes. You can use eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

What is Egyptian mascara?

i dont know i dont think they wore mascara i think they just wore eyeliner hey you cant blame me i am only 12

Can you use mascara and eyeliner when you have Bell's palsy?

Yes. As long as you use product that safe for your skin.

How can you make stick eyeliner look like mascara?

Why would you want to make stick eyeliner look like mascara if you would already have mascara and if you don't just go to the store and buy yourself some, its not like its going to cost you much, so just go buy some... Because I am not allowed to go and buy some.

Should you wear eyeliner everyday?

Depends if you feel your eyes need eyeliner for more definition, or if mascara is enough. Just avoid really thick heavy eyeliner for day to day wear, a Q-tip is your best friend for touching up and perfecting your eyeliner