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Q: Is facial hair begins to develop for boys or girls?
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What happens to a to a boys and girls body during puberty?

Boys will grow body hair, facial hair, have a deepening of voice, and more development of the genitals. Girls will grow body hair, develop curves on the waist, have a period, and develop breasts. Both sexes may have acne.

Do boys walk earlier than girls?

Generally, no. Girls usually develop earlier than boys.

Why do boys find girls attractive?

As boys mature, they develop these hormones that attract them to girls. Scientifically, it's hard to explain.

Do girls run faster than boys?

No, actually it really matters on the age, because boys muslces develop fatser than girls in a certain age for them and it takes time for girls muscles to develop too.

How can a child who has reached the onset of puberty be distinguished?

In boys, there is some growth of facial hair. Also in girls and boys, there is quick increase in height.

Do boys have a faster reaction time than girls?

Usually. Girls develop before than boys in many ways, reflexes is one of the things they first develop So girls reflexes are better than boys until they are in high school.

12 year old boys liking girls?

This happens. Puberty, which begins in adolescance, results in the production of many horomones. Boys begin to notice differences between them and their female peers (ex. boobs) and may begin to develop new attractions to the opposite sex. On the other hand, boys can continue liking girls just as friends.

Which statement is falsePuberty usually begins in girls between the ages of nine to twelve.Boys experience a rapid growth rate.Puberty usually begins in girls first.Puberty usually begins in boys between the ages of thirteen to fifteen?

Puberty usually begins in girls between the ages of nine to twelve.

Are girls or boys better at identifying facial expressions?

I actually did this for my science fair experiment and from all the people I tested I discovered that girls are better at identifying facial expressions. But that is just from the people that I tested. I can't say for the entire world.

What sex is more likely to develop oppositional defiant disorder?

more common in boys than girls before puberty ; the disorder typically begins by age eight. After puberty the male:female ratio is about 1:1.

Are girls mentally more mature than boys?

Yes, girls do mature faster than boys, girls brains develop faster than boys. Girls have mature brains at about 20, boys at around 25. This fact does not affect the abilities or character of either; other factors affect those and are not gender specific.

Why do girl have hair on their Vivian?

Girls (and boys) naturally develop pubic hair on reaching puberty.