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Q: Is fat a primary fuel for the ATP-CP system?
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What is the primary disadvantage of using fat as fuel during endurance exercise?

The primary disadvantage of using fat as fuel during endurance exercise is that it is not entirely clear where the fat used comes from. It is not certain whether it is adipose tissue, which the body has plenty of, or intramuscular triglycerides that are stored in muscle fibers.

What is the fuel source of atp-cp system or phosphagen system?

fat and carbs

Which Energy system uses glucose fat and protein fuel?

Aerobic Energy System (Oxidative)

Primary fuel for cellular respiration?

2 carbon sub-groups derived from fat (or sugar if insulin is present).

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The primary accent is on the third syllable: in-de-FAT-i-ga-ble.

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Where does the fat from ice cream go?

The primary fat in ice cream is milk fat, a saturated fat derived from milk.

Is muscle glycogen the primary fuel for endurance exercises?

Yes, muscle glycogen is a primary fuel source for endurance exercises such as long-distance running and cycling. It is stored in muscle tissue and can be rapidly broken down to provide energy during prolonged, low to moderate intensity activities. However, for longer endurance events, the body may also utilize fat stores as a fuel source.

What is the fuel factor for carbohydrates for fat?

Carbohydrate Fuel Factor: 4kcal/g Fat Fuel Factor: 9kcal/g Protein Fuel Factor: 4kcal/g Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy and used quickly. Fat is then a backup source of energy when carbohydrate fuel availability is insufficient. Protein fuel is used when both carbohydrate and fat available fuel is inadequate; however, it is a less efficient back up source.

What is the fat cells job?

the job of fat cells is to store fat in the body until it is used for fuel

What is the primary form of fat in the diet?

monosaturated fats