

Is fluorine good for you

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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it helps prevent toothdecay

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Q: Is fluorine good for you
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Why is fluorine wanted?

Fluorine is wanted because it is good for your teeth but also you need it for rocket fuels.

Why is fluorine important?

Small amounts of fluorine is good for human teeth and is in many city water supplies.

Why was fluorine a good choice to try and react with xenon?

because fluorine is highly electronegative and is the most reactive non metal.

Is fluorine a good condcuctor of electricity?

No. (it's a non-metal)

Why was fluorine a good choice to try to react with xenon?

because fluorine is highly electronegative and is the most reactive non metal.

What is a good slogan for fluorine?

A mineral that is completly colorless

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If you were going to try to get the noble gas argon to combine with another element would fluorine be a good choice for the other element Explain?

Yes, it is a good choice because fluorine is the most reactive halogen; but now is known only HArF.

How many atoms of fluorine in barium?

Fluorine is an element and barium is also an element. There is no fluorine in barium and not barium in fluorine.

What element has the greatest electronegativity?

Fluorine... by far. Its so electronegative that it will never form double bonds, even if they would make sense by the octet rule. BF3 is a really good example of this

How many elements are in a fluorine atom?

A fluorine atom has 9 protons and 9 electrons, which are the defining features of an element.

What type of bond is formed when you combine fluorine and fluorine?

Fluorine seems a likely answer