

Is food non living or living?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Arjun Bednar

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2y ago
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Salt, Water, Minerals found in your average multivitamin. You can't survive on them, obviously, but they can be ingested beneficially.

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Q: Is food non living or living?
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Non living,as it does not require food,water or air.It does not have any living system or a brain.

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non living is dead and living is alive

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No, because some of the non living components are air, water and food without humans cannot survive

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Non-living implies that it doesn't need to take on food. Therefore, no food means there will be no waste to get rid of. No waste means no excretion is required.

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by food and 1 is the prey who is eaten and the predator is the one that eats it