

Is francium in period 7

Updated: 6/1/2024
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10y ago

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That's right, period 7, group 1.

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1mo ago

Yes, francium is in period 7 of the Periodic Table. It is the seventh element in that period.

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Q: Is francium in period 7
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What is the group and period for francium?

Francium is in group 1 (alkali metals) and period 7 of the periodic table.

Why was francium not in Mendeleev's periodic table?

In 1869 when D. Mendeleev designed his periodic table any element in the period 7 was known. Today francium is in the group 1, period 7, atomic number 87.

Where does francium come in the periodic table?

Francium is in the period 7 and group 1 of the periodic table (alkali metals).

What period and group is francium in?

Francium is an alkali metal located in Group 1 (also known as Group 1A) of the periodic table. It is the heaviest and most unstable element in this group.

What is the class of francium on the periodic table?

Position of francium in the Periodic Table of Mendeleev: group 1 (alkali metals), period 7, atomic number 87.

Francium's atomic number?

7 is the atomic number of francium.

What elements are in period 7 of the periodic table?

The period 7 contain: francium, radium, rutherfordium, dubnium, seaborgium, bohrium, meitnerium, darmstadtium, roentgenium, copernicium, ununtrium, flerovium, ununpentium, livermorium, ununseptium, ununoctium.

What does francium's location in the period table tell you?

This location indicate that francium is an alkali metal, very reactive.

What is the period block and group of the element rn 7s1?

The element with the electron configuration Rn 7s1 is francium (Fr). It is in period 7, group 1 of the periodic table. Francium is a highly radioactive alkali metal with very limited practical applications due to its extreme rarity and radioactivity.

What period is francium found in?

we can see in the first group

How many electrons are in the valence shell of francium?

Francium has one valence electron, its atomic no is 87 and it belong to Ist group of periodic table.

How many electron orbital shells does francium have?

Francium has seven electron shells; electrons per shell: 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 1.