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Q: Is freeze drying food a chemical or physical change?
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Is freeze-drying a chemical or physical change?


Is freeze drying a physical change or chemical?

Freeze-drying is a chemical change because it changes the actual composition of the object by removing water.

Is freeze drying physical change or chemical?

Answer: It is a chemical change, it changes the actual composition of the object by removing water.

Is freeze-drying a physical property or a chemical property?

i would think physical, unless there is a chemical change occurring..... :)

Is it a chemical change if the water begins to freeze?

Freezing is a physical change.

Is juice freezing a chemical change?

No, it is only a physical change since the chemical properties of alcohol do not change.

Is it a chemical or physical change when you freeze water?

Physical!Ice is H20(s) and Water is H2O(l)

Is vapor a chemical change?

no as it can be turned back to water or be freeze to ice by over cooling.

Is the gravy in the refrigerator jelled a chemical or physical?

Physical change: it's just beginning to freeze. Also, it's chemical composition stays the same.

Is the ability to freeze a chemical or physical?


How is sour milk a chemical change?

milk going sour is a chemical change because it can't be reversed. Most physical changes can be reversed for example snow melting is a physical change because it can freeze again.

Is a snowman a chemical change?

No not ia any way