

Is fur a conductor

Updated: 9/15/2023
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6y ago

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no,it's not.
No it's an insulator.

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Q: Is fur a conductor
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Is fur conductor or insulator?

It is an Insulator because it is not a metal

Is fur a conductor of heat?

No, it is not a poor conductor of heat, because if you think about it, the people over at Alaska use fur to generate heat for themselves.-----------------------------------------That is incorrect. Fur doesn't "generate" heat. It is merely an insulator, with an insulator being the opposite of a conductor, and a good insulator being equivalent to a poor conductor.In general fur is a good insulator due to the ability to trap air, and thus is a poor conductor of heat.When wet (sweaty, etc), it would conduct heat reasonably well.Most animals in places that experience harsh winters will grow a "winter coat" for additional insulation which they will shed in the spring.It traps the air inside it, for evolutionary purposes.

What special features does a meerkat's fur have?

Each meerkat has its own unique fur-stripe pattern. Their fur is also a great conductor of heat; they can cool off without losing much water, but it makes them more susceptible to the cold.

Is a 10p a conductor or insulator?

It's made of steel with a coating of nickel, so it is a conductor but not as good as the old coins with copper in.

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Brass is a metal that conducts electricity. Therefore, a brass paper clip is a conductor.

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Is a winter jacket a poor conductor of heat?

jackets are insulators so it starts leaving the heat of the jacket inside. Jackets with fur inside are the warmest kinds of jackets not just because they have fur but even without fur they are still warm,anyways they are warm because the heat during the winter is cold and Insulators stop the energy from going through the material.

Is a brass paper fastener a conductor or an insulator?

it is a conductor

What is the name given to a person who conducts an orchestra?

A conductor Conductor The conductor is also known as "Maestro".

Is a copper conductor or a insulators?

Copper is a conductor of electricity.

Is gold a conductor or an insulator?

*a yes it is

Why materials such as plastic foam feather and fur are poor conductors of thermal energy?

Because they trap air, which is a poor conductor of heat. They hold surfaces away from each other, to stop direct conduction.