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Yes, cats can get gingivitis. To prevent it try giving your cat dental treats, or feeding chunks of raw meat once a week.

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Q: Is gingivitis contagious in cats
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Is contagious gingivitis?

yes if you eat form that person

Is dog pneumonia contagious to cats?

Bacterial pneumonia may occur in both dogs and cats. It is highly contagious between dogs but cats cannot catch it from a dog.

Do cats have contagious diseases?

Not usually, but they can get Rabies, which is contagious if they bite you or if their spit enters through open skin (a cut).

Are gum diseases in cats contagious?

Gum disease can be painful for a cat and requires a visit to the vet for a cleaning. The condition is not contagious.

Can cats get Chickenpox?

Cats can't get chickenpox. Chickenpox is a virus that is only contagious to humans and a few primates.

Does gingivitis cause trichomoniasis?

No, gingivitis does not cause trichomoniasis.

What causes abcesses in your cats and are they contagious?

bacteria, i forgot the name but its treatble with antibiotics. see a vet

What type of cancer is contagious in cats and dogs?

Well, like humans, who get cancer in every part of their body, cats get it in every part of their body, too. For example: Cats get cancer in their bladder, blood, brain, etc. So do humans. You can get it just about everywhere, same as cats. Hope this helped you!

If you have gingivitis what part of your body has an inflammation?

Gingivitis is an an inflammation of the gingivae - the gums.

Is ringworm contagious?

Despite the name, it is not a worm, but a fungal infection of the skin. Yes, it is contagious, and can be passed from dogs and cats to people. It is easily treated with an antifungal ointment applied to the skin.

What is rhinotracheitis?

Rhinotracheitis is a pulmonary or respiratory infection in cats. It is also known as feline influenza and is very contagious.

Who gets Desquamative gingivitis?

Desquamative gingivitis occurs mainly in postmenopausal women