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Global warming is more dangerous since a nuclear bomb or explosion could wipe out a population of one country or more but global warming can wipe out the existence of all Mankind on Earth.

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Q: Is global warming or nuclear fuels more dangerous?
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Does the decrease of fossil fuels decrease global warming?

fossil fuels are very harmful to the environment so if there were less of them there will be less pollution which means less global warming...

Which products of burning fossil fuels contribute to global warming?

Burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas. This is contributing to global warming.

How could the use of nuclear energy source be reduced?

By relying more extensively on fossil fuels. The hell with global warming!Seriously, the use of nuclear energy needs to be expanded, not reduced.

What year is global warming?

Global warming has been happening probably since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when we began burning fossil fuels. So any year is global warming. This year is global warming.

Which is more dangerous hydrocarbons or hydrogen fuel?

Dangerous in what way? hydrogen just being burned does not contribute to global warming, but what about 'making' the hydrogen? Does that use other fuels that contribute to global warming? Hydrogen is more explosive if that is what you mean by dangerous. Hydrocarbons burn to form carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming.

Which gas released from the burning of fossil fuels is the gas that contributes to global warming?

The gas released from the burning of fossil fuels that contributes to global warming is carbon dioxide (CO2).

Did the accident at chernobyl cause global warming?

No, the Chernobyl nuclear accident did not cause global warming. It probably had no effect on it at all. Global warming is caused by the excessive burning of fossil fuels which releases additional carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Deforestation has also removed forests that used to remove this carbon from the environment.

Is hydro power cleaner than fossil fuels?

Yes. Hydro power has no dangerous, global-warming-causing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2).

What is the greatest environmental cost of fossil fuels?

Global warming.

What are the advances of burning fossil fuels over nuclear fuels?

Nuclear fuels are extremely dangerous and the station could explode.

How do power stations cause global warming?

Power stations contribute to global warming if they use fossil fuels (coal, oil or natural gas) to generate their electricity. Burning fossil fuels is recognised as one of the two main causes of global warming (the other is deforestation). Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas which is accumulating in the atmosphere and causing global warming.

What would life be like without uranium?

Without uranium and nuclear energy the exhaustion of fossil fuels will be more important year after year. Also nuclear energy don't contribute to global warming.