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In The Bible, Satan was God's angel, but became evil out of greed. They aren't representations. The modern christian names The Christian God, "God" or "Lord". God's name was really Jaweh or Jehovah. Final answer: In the Christian mind, they are real, maybe even physical.

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Q: Is god and Satan real or just merely representations of good and evil in your mind?
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Would good fail to exist without evil?

Before the Fall of Satan, there was no evil.

What does Satan do when he first sees eve?

Satan tempts Eve to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

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Mephistopheles is another name for Satan, the personification of evil.

How Mephistopheles is similar to both the good and the evil angel?

Mephistopheles is another name for Satan, the personification of evil.

Explain how Mephistopheles is similar to both the good and the evil angel?

Mephistopheles is another name for Satan, the personification of evil.

Where did Satan get his powers from if God never gave it to Satan?

In Isaiah 45:7 it says that God created evil. But it doesn't say that God does evil in anywhere I looked . God could create evil things but it doesn't say that God makes you do evil. It's like God created the choices to do good or to do evil . It does say that God makes you do evil things. But you can say I'm looking for it. You could say that God created the powers of evil that Satan choose to use but God never forced Satan to use those evil powers.

Where in the bible is the verse what Satan intended for evil GOD used for good?

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph tells his brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant for good.

Is this something that was placed between man and Satan by God?

There is nothing but good and evil placed between them.

What image was Satan made in if WE were made in God's?

Good question, but bear in mind you can't have good without evil and vice versa. Apparently something had to be evil in order for God and his followers to be good.

How might fasting help to ward off evil?

Well it helps restraint the person from doing anything evil and when Satan comes to bother them there is a dua that will give you good deeds and will help get Satan and anything bad away.

Does hades in any way resemble Satan?

They both look after souls of the dead, but in a different way ,also they both have dark characteristics.Still what Hades does is same for good and evil, but Satan just deals with the ones determined evil.

Are there conflicts of good and evil?

Yes, that is, if you're talking about the conflict between God and Satan. Satan will try to tempt you with your own desires but if you ask God to help, He will.