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Q: Is gold involved with petrification
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Does Oxygen speeds the process of decay in an organism?

False. A fossil cannot be formed with oxygen. There has to be no oxygen involved for petrification to occur.

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How do you use the word petrification in a sentence?

Petrification means turning into stone, like a fossil.Petrification changed the bone into a fossil.Over time, petrification occurred.

How do you use petrification in a sentence?

I could see the petrification of the crowd as the monster appeared

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Why gold involved politics

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What is turning to stone?


What is in the process in which minerals replace tissues?

In geology, petrification or petrification is the process by which organic material becomes a fossil through the replacement of the original material and the filling of the original pore spaces with minerals. So yeah the answer is petrification

When the remains of an organism are replaced by minerals.?

In geology, petrification or petrification is the process by which organic material becomes a fossil through the replacement of the original material and the filling of the original pore spaces with minerals. So yeah the answer is petrification

What mineral is not involved in petrification?

Petrification is defined as the preservation of organic hard parts by mineral-bearing waters infiltrating the porous material after burial.The common preserving minerals are silica, calcite, and iron compounds.Fossils are not necessarily petrified.So, apart from the above minerals, the answer to your Q is wide open.

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