

Is gold used in electricity

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Gold is a great conductor but to expensive to be used on a large scale

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Q: Is gold used in electricity
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Why is gold used in sillicon chips?

Gold is the only conductor of electricity in which there is no voltage drop.

Why is gold used in electronic equipment?

it is a good conductor of electricity

Why is gold used in electric equipment?

it is a good conductor of electricity.

Is gold strong?

yup gold is strong that's why they used to fill in your teeth with gold its also a good conductor of electricity(:

Is gold a poor conductor of electricity?

gold a very good conductor of electricity. The only element that surpasses gold is silver, but is used less often due it's oxidation. Gold is used in very high-end electronics such as spacecraft and satellites. Gold was also used in the circuits for the Manhattan Project.CommentCopper is also a better conductor than gold.

What you use gold for- gold rush?

It is like money, also a conductor of electricity and used in computers and other products.

Is there any gold in electronics?

Yes, there is gold in microprocessors for electricity conduction and there is a lot of gold used in sattelites for the same reason. gold is also used to cover the lens of the austronauts helmets to shield them from the sun.

What is a metal that is often used in wires that conduct electricity?

Copper, and to a lesser extent gold, are used in conductors.

How we use mineral gold?

Gold is primarily used in jewelry and electronics. It's both valuable and an excellent conductor of electricity.

Why does gold conduct electricity?

Gold is a metal, and any metal on the periodic table conducts electricity.

How is gold used in electronics?

Gold is used as a conductor of electricity on flash drives, USB cables, etc. It plates the metal surface to let the most electricity flow. The question should be why not how. Gold is impervious to oxidation and a very good conductor. So connections are more reliable if made with gold contacts as opposed to copper which oxidizes easily.

Is gold or copper the first best conductor of electricity?

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold.