

Is good a linking verb

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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No, the linking verbs are be, am, was, were, been, being, appear, become, feel, grow, look,seem, remain, smell, sound, stay, taste,and turn!

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12y ago
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12y ago

Good is not a linking verb. It is an adjective.

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Is taste an action verb or a linking verb?

The verb taste can be an action verb or a linking verb; for example: Action verb: They let me taste the fudge to see which I liked best. Linking verb: This fudge tastes good.

What is 'is' an action verb or a linking verb?

'Is' can function as both a linking verb and an auxiliary verb. As a linking verb, it connects the subject to the subject complement, while as an auxiliary verb, it helps to form verb tenses or express the passive voice.

Is belong a linking verb?

Belongs is the third person singular form of belong. It is not a linking verbTo test to see if a verb is a linking verb try replacing the verb with IS and see if it makes sense. egThe food tasted good. -- replace tasted with is -- The food is good. SO tasted is a linking verbThe money belongs to me. -- replace belongs with is -- The money is to me. So belongs is not a linking verb

Is became a linking verb?

No. The verb to become is a linking verb, and the verb to be is a linking verb, but they are two separate verbs.

When do you capitalize a linking verb in a sentence?

A linking verb is capitalized only when it is the first word in a sentence. An interrogative sentence is the only instance when a linking verb starts a sentence.Examples:Is Jack your brother? (Jack is brother)Was the movie good? (movie was good)

Is is a linking verb or a action verb?

Was is a linking verb.

Is blew a linking verb or an action verb?

Linking verb

Is did a linking verb?

"Did" is not a linking verb.

Can the same verb can be used as an action or linking verb?

Yes, some verbs can function as both action verbs and linking verbs depending on how they are used in a sentence. For example, the verb "look" can be used as an action verb (She looked at the painting) and as a linking verb (She looks happy).

Is were a linking or action verb?

Linking verb.Were is the past tense plural be verb any form of be verb is a linking verb.

Is its a linking verb?

"It" is not a linking verb. "It" is a pronoun.

Is surrounded an action verb or linking verb?

action, it is the past tense of the verb surround.