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Although the terms "graphite" and "carbon-fibre" (or carbon-fiber for people in the USA) are often used interchangibly, there is one fundamental difference between the two. Graphite is a crystaline arrangement of carbon atoms in sheets that are only loosely bound to one another. The arrangement of the atomic bonds is a repeating hexagonal structure like chicken wire or honeycombs. This structure makes graphite both soft and brittle, so it is usually found as a powder. As such, graphite is often used as a dry lubricant - like in door locks, hinges, pinewood derby car wheels (talk to a cub scout about that last one), etc. In my experience, it is kind of messy. Carbon fibre is usually more strongly bound, although the structure may be like joined or folded sheets of graphite. Depending on how it is made, carbon fibre can have fairly high thermal conductivity and even electrical conductivity. It also may have considerable tensile strength and/or fairly decent elastic deformation properties. It is these properties that make carbon fibre desirable for "graphite" fishing rods, tennis racket frames, Golf clubs, etc.

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1w ago

No, graphite and carbon fiber are two different materials. Graphite is a crystalline form of carbon, while carbon fiber is a strong and lightweight composite material made from carbon atoms. Both materials are used in various industries for different applications.

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14y ago

Graphite is carbon, so yes, carbon is found in graphite.

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What is the difference between carbon graphite and graphite?

Carbon graphite refers to a composite material made of carbon and graphite, often used in high-performance applications like aerospace. Graphite, on the other hand, is an allotropic form of carbon with a layered structure, known for its lubricating properties and use in pencils and electrical applications.

What is known as inorganic graphite?

Boron Nitride (BN) is known as Inorganic graphite. The most stable crystalline form is the hexagonal one, also called h-BN, α-BN, or g-BN (graphitic BN). It has a layered structure similar to graphite. Its hexagonal form is the most stable and softest among BN polymorphs, and is therefore used as a lubricant and an additive to cosmetic products. h-BN lubricant is particularly useful when the electrical conductivity or chemical reactivity of graphite (alternative lubricant) would be problematic. Another advantage of h-BN over graphite is that its lubricity does not require water or gas molecules trapped between the layers. Therefore, h-BN lubricants can be used even in vacuum, e.g. in space applications.

What mineral is used to make pencil lead?

Graphite is the mineral that is used to make pencil lead. It is a form of carbon that is known for its ability to make marks on paper.

Is KC8 the molecular formula of graphite?

No, KC8 is not the molecular formula of graphite. The molecular formula of graphite is C (carbon). Graphite is a form of carbon that consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice structure.

Do diamond and graphite form the same product when burnt?

No, diamond and graphite do not form the same product when burnt. Diamond will convert into carbon dioxide gas, while graphite will also convert into carbon dioxide gas.

Related questions

What are some of uses of graphite?

carbon and graphite are one in the same, graphite is a form of carbon a use for graphite is the lead in your pencil (it's not actually lead, it's graphite) and it is also a good lubricant ;)

What are some uses of carbon graphite?

carbon and graphite are one in the same, graphite is a form of carbon a use for graphite is the lead in your pencil (it's not actually lead, it's graphite) and it is also a good lubricant ;)

What is the composition of Graphite Schist?

Graphite schist is mainly composed of graphite, but can also contain other minerals, such as pyrite, depending on the sample

What can be made of graphite?

Graphite is pure carbon. A diamond is also pure carbon in a very specific crystal. Yet diamonds do not conduct electricity and graphite does. Graphite can form in plate like arrays of hexagonal crystals and in an amorphous, powdery form.

What is the difference between carbon graphite and graphite?

Carbon graphite refers to a composite material made of carbon and graphite, often used in high-performance applications like aerospace. Graphite, on the other hand, is an allotropic form of carbon with a layered structure, known for its lubricating properties and use in pencils and electrical applications.

Is graphite flammable?

Only if mixed with a suitable oxidiser, most notably the air. thus a fine dispersion of graphite in the air can be ignited with explosive violence. Also whats known as "graphitic oxide" is explosive and this is formed from oxidation of graphite powder with nitric acid.

A sentence for carbon?

Carbon is an element on the periodic table.

How is graphite used by people?

we use graphite by ever time we use a pencil thats one way we use graphite. Graphite is also used in the making of sports equipment and other every day items since graphite is a lighter material to work with. Like a badminton racquet can be made from graphite to make it lighter.

Are diamonds and graphite both polymorphs of pure silicon?

No, diamonds and graphite are not polymorphs of silicon. Diamonds are a polymorph of carbon, while graphite is also a polymorph of carbon. Silicon does not form diamonds or graphite as polymorphs.

What is the black writing part of a pencil made out of?

The black writing part of a pencil, also known as the "lead," is actually made of graphite. It is a form of carbon that is commonly mixed with clay to create a substance that writes smoothly on paper.

What is the difference between wood blades and graphite?

Wood blades are typically heavier and provide a softer feel during play, while graphite blades are lighter and offer more power and control. Graphite blades are also known for their greater stiffness and responsiveness compared to wood blades.

What is the brittleness of graphite?

Graphite is known to be brittle, meaning it is prone to breaking or shattering when subjected to mechanical stress. This brittleness is due to the layered structure of graphite, where the layers can easily slide past each other, leading to cleavage and fractures under pressure.