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the gravity stops them from floating away

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Q: Is gravity what makes asteroids and comets move?
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Why does gravity have no effect on comets asteroids and meteors to make them round or sphereical?

because meteor and etc. move across the sky so that gravity can't get to them.

Does the suns gravity cause asteroids to move?

The sun's gravity doesn't necessarily cause the asteroids to move, however it does cause the asteroids to move the way that they do move. For example, let's take away the sun. Any asteroids around the sun would continue to move at the same rate that is was moving prior to the sun being taken away. However, instead of following an elliptical orbit around the sun, the asteroid would move in a straight line instead. So the asteroids can still move without the sun. However, it is the sun that makes the asteroids orbit around the sun. The orbit's tendency to want to move away in a straight line counteracts the gravity created by the sun. The results of these two forces is what causes the asteroids elliptical orbit.

Are the asteroids in the Asteroid Belt always moving?

Yes, they orbit the sun, a nice balance of centrifugal force and gravity. If they did not move, relative to the sun, the sun's gravity would pull the asteroids into

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what way gravity move material

How do comets move?

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What is a comets place in space?

Comets move

Do asteroids cross the Earth's orbit as they orbit the Sun?

Yes, asteroids orbit Sun, even meteors and comets. But generally, every pieces of asteroid doesn't have orbits, it has a zone. They bump each other until they form into a larger ones. If an asteroid got out of the zone it now move freely into space and crashes into a planet by gravity. Astronomers now detected a planet, or a dwarf planet, or still an asteroid itself, called Ceres

What makes it move faster as it approaches the ground?

force of gravity

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Is there gravity on the asteroid belt?

Yes, the force of gravity is constantly acting upon the asteroid belt. It is in fact thought that this is why the asteroids in the asteroid belt didn't become planets; as the gravitational pull of Jupiter caused, and still causes the asteroids to move about and therefore never form into a larger planet.