

Do comets orbit Jupiter

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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Comets orbit the Sun.

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That means they move around the Sun.

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8y ago

No. Comets orbit the sun.

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Q: Do comets orbit Jupiter
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Do comets orbit mars and Jupiter?

No. Comets orbit the sun. Many asteroids orbit the sun in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

How do comets behave?

Comets are just very icy asteroids, they become comets when a large enough of a body of mass, i.e. jupiter or saturn. When this happens, the asteroid gets thrown into an extremely high elliptical orbit. They ideally have an orbit perpindicular to the ecliptic.

Do comets orbit asteroids?

No. Comets orbit the sun.

What planet do comets orbit?

Comets don't orbit a planet, they orbit the sun.

Does most comets have a circular orbit that keeps them in the space between mars and Jupiter?

No, most comets do not have a circular orbit in the space between Mars and Jupiter. The majority of comets originate from two regions in our solar system: the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. These regions are far beyond Mars and Jupiter, and the comets from these regions follow highly elliptical orbits that can take them close to the sun or far into the outer reaches of the solar system.

Do meteors go beyond Jupiter?

Most meteors are sand grain sized objects that had been ejected from comets as they followed around their highly elliptical orbits. As most of these comets have orbits that extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter at their aphelion, then yes most of these sand grains that become meteors when they enter earth's atmosphere have been beyond the orbit of Jupiter. However they are not actually meteors until they enter earth's atmosphere, so while they are actually meteors they are nowhere near Jupiter. Many larger meteors were pieces of asteroids. The vast majority of asteroids orbit between Mars and Jupiter and thus have never been even near Jupiter, and definitely not beyond Jupiter's orbit.

What has a larger orbit comets or planets?


Do comets ever die?

Yes. Some comets die spectacular deaths, like Shoemaker-Levy 9, which crashed into Jupiter. Some just break up and continue in their orbits. We often find "meteor showers" when the orbit of the Earth intersects the orbit of a comet.

Are comets asteroids or meteoroids found in orbit between Mars and Jupiter?

Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is the asteroid belt, which contains the bulk of the solar system's asteroids. Where there are asteroids the are undoubtedly meteoroids.

Why is a comets orbit considered a cycle?

A comets orbit is considered a cycle because a comet circles back in an elliptical orbit.

What do commets orbit?

Comets orbit stars

How are comets and the sun related?

comets orbit the sun