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brown matter would be any dried plant materials like dry leaves, straw, dry grass.

green matter would be grass clippings, kitchen scraps, vegetable and fruit peels, etc..

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12y ago

Green definitely green i should know i have a compost pile

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Q: Is green or brown material used more to make a compost pile?
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Why do gardeners add water to the compost heap from time to time?

because compost is pooThe green waste used to make garden compost will not decompose if it is dry so it is advisable to keep the material moist.

What can you do to make a compost pile produce a lot of compost?

I have found that two readily available ingredients that can make you a lot of compost fast is straw and green grass clippings, but there are so many other things, but to make a lot, you need to use a lot of organic material.

How easy is it to make compost?

Compost is a nothing more than a mixture of brown and green materials that is left to rot and is turned to keep the mixture heated up in the center and provide the necessary oxygen to the 'rotting material' to futher the rotting or composting of the materials. You can use a mixture of green grass clippings and dried leaves, kitchen scraps, newspaper, etc..... do not compost meat scraps, grease or bones.

Can potatoes go in a compost bin?

Potatoes make excellent compost material.

What color goes with brown to make green?

You cannot make green from brown since yellow and blue make green. However, if you add red to green, you get brown.

How much raw material does it take to make one ton of compost?

2000 lbs.

What color makes brown green?

A dark brown with hints of green in it !!!!!!

What things are supposed to go in a compost heap?

the things that go in a compost heap are a variety of things, don't put food in, or moist things, use brown items such as soil, manure and green items such as vegetable waste. also put in lime, because the alkali from the lime will counter the acid which is made from decomposing the items of the compost heap. make sure to put extra soil in aswell because that is where the organisms are that make the compost heap work. :)

Does yellow and green make brown?

No they make a lighter green.

How do you make the color brown from green?

To make brown from green, add some red-orange color.

Why does a compost pile turn brown and feel warm all the time?

The bacteria make it so

What do you mix with pink to make brown?

green and pink will make brown