

Best Answer

no why cuz is part of a ocen own ody of waters is not part of a ocean of a sea

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Q: Is gulf of of mxico is own body of water?
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Definition to gulf?

An area of sea which is a major indent in a coastline. The Gulf of Mexico & the Gulf of Carpentaria are good examples. While not as large as a Sea in its own right, a Gulf is a major maritime feature.I did not get it.Locate the Gulf of Mexico on your map. Now, write a definition of a gulf? what is the answer? please help me. It is a major indent in a coastline, an area of coast which is not straight but is indented by the sea in that the sea is formed into a semi circular shape because of the shape of the coastline. If you look at the Gulf of Mexico, South from the USA in Central America, then you will see thait it is a particular shape, it is the shape of the area of sea, as formed by the land which is defined as a Gulf.

Can you flush lithium out of your body with water?

Drinking water alone will not flush lithium out of your body. Lithium is primarily eliminated through the kidneys, and your healthcare provider may need to adjust your dosage or provide specific treatments if you have concerns about lithium levels in your body. It's important to consult a healthcare professional before attempting to flush lithium from your system.

Do you need muscle strength to swim?

Yeah,and a lot of it! You push water,with your own body. You are in deep water,and pushing your body through the water,oh course you use muscle strength!

How good is water for your fetus?

The fetus will not come in contact with our water. It floats in it's own. Your body protects it from the outside world.

Does Nicholas Cage own a gulf stream jet?

Yes he does

Why does the human body feel lighter in water?

When you are in water, the upward force of buoyancy counteracts the downward force of gravity on your body, making you feel lighter. This buoyant force essentially reduces your effective weight, allowing you to float and move more easily in the water.

What is strand?

it means abandoned, left on one's own, deserted

What is the body of water that is part of the Atlantic Ocean?

The Caribbean Sea

How do animals control their body temperatures?

Some animals have bodies that can control their own body temperatures. Some animals have to find shade or water to control their body temperature.

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When swimming you push the water backwards this is the action what is the reaction?

The reaction to pushing the water backwards would be the projected motion of your own body forward.

What does it mean when i am sinking in water?

This is Archimedes principle of displacement. If your body can not displace it's own weight in water then it sinks. Thin or muscular people with no body fat may be more dense than water and have to swim to keep afloat.