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Q: Is h20 and nacl a organic or inorganic compound?
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Is H20 organic or inorganic compound?


Is H20 an organic or an inorganic compound explain?

It is inorganic. It contains only hydrogen and oxygen. To be considered organic a compound must contain carbon.

What would be regarded as an organic molecule H20 NaC1 NaOH CH4?

CH4 (methane) is organic molecule. Rest : H2O, NaCl and NaOH are inorganic

What is the most important inorganic compound for organism?

water, believe it or not H20 doesn't contain carbon - is not organic

H2O is an example of an Inorganic Compound.?

Organic compounds consist of : Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen (CHO). H20 (Water) does not contain the three elements required so that makes it an inorganic compound. other examples of this are nitrogen and carbon dioxide .

Is Nacl h20 a compound or a mixture?

The water solution of sodium chloride is a homogeneous mixture.

What are the two major types of compounds?

There are two types of compounds: molecular and ionic. ill give you an example of each Water-H20 molecular compound Salt-NaCl ionic compoundThere are ionic compounds which is a compound formed by a positive metal ion and a negative nonmetal ion. And there are convalent compounds which is a compound formed in which atoms share electrons.

Is NaCl H20 a mixture or a compound?

NaCl is a compound known as the table salt.

What are CO2 H20 NaCl examples of?

All these compounds are inorganic chemicals. Carbon dioxide is a gas. Water is a liquid and chemically an oxide. Sodium chloride is a solid salt.

Are respiratory gases organic compounds?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is organic because the molecule contains carbon. Nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and water vapor (H20) are inorganic: they contain no carbon.

Identify the products in the reaction HCI + NaOH -> NaCl + H20?

NaCl and H2O

What is the property of water in inorganic compounds?

Organic compounds consist of : Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen (CHO). H20 (Water) does not contain the three elements required so that makes it an inorganic compound. other examples of this are nitrogen and carbon dioxide .