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Hair remover is considered an acidic base. While it is acidic enough to cause surface burns, it is considered a weak base.

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2w ago

Hair removers are typically alkaline in nature, so they can be considered a base. The alkaline properties help to break down the disulfide bonds in the hair proteins, making it easier to remove the hair.

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11y ago

Hair remover is an acid

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Q: Is hair remover acidic base or neutral?
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What do acid and base have to do with hair care?

acids and bases have a lot to do with hair care, if shampoo or conditioner becomes to acidic it can affect your hair making it dull but if you neutralize it with a base it will become neutral and make it safe to use.

Is shampoo a acid base or neutral?

Neutral or slightly basic

Is conditioner a base or an acid?

Conditioner typically contains ingredients that are neutral or slightly acidic in order to help smooth the hair cuticles and restore pH balance after shampooing.

Is hair oil acidic neutral or alkaline?

Hair oil is typically neutral in pH, meaning it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The pH level of hair oil is generally close to that of the skin and hair to prevent causing any irritation or imbalance.

Hair gel acidic alkaline or neutral?

Hair gel is generally considered to be neutral in pH. It is formulated to be close to the natural pH of human hair in order to maintain hair health and prevent irritation.

Why is shampoo a base?

Shampoo is a base because it typically contains ingredients such as surfactants, which help to remove dirt and oil from the hair. These surfactants are basic in nature and help to cleanse the hair by interacting with oils and debris, making them easier to wash away.

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Lazzer hair remover or lazzer hair remover

Is hair spray a base or acid or neutral?

It is a musical and also a movie.

Is hair gel a acid or alkalie?

Hair gel is typically neither acidic nor alkaline. It is usually pH balanced to be neutral, which is important for maintaining the health of the hair and scalp.

Is hair gel an acid or base?


What did Bugs Bunny drink to become invisible?

"Hare Remover"

Is conditioner a acid alkaline or neutral?

Conditioner typically has a slightly acidic pH level, which helps to flatten the hair cuticles and promote shine. This acidity helps to balance the high pH levels of shampoo and restore hair to its natural state.