

Is handmade one word or two?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It's just one word: handmade.

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Is handmade one word or two words?

handmade is one word im glad i could help

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"Handmade" is one "compound word", sometimes hyphenated as "hand-made"; not to be confused with handmaid, which is NOT hyphenated.

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It can be one word without a hyphen, handcrafted, as in handmade. But it can also appear hyphenated as hand-crafted, meaning not made by machine.

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There are many places where one can find tutorials on how to make handmade chocolates. One can find tutorials on how to make handmade chocolates at popular on the web sources such as eHow and YouTube.

Where can one purchase custom handmade knives?

There are several places that sell custom handmade knives. Custom handmade knives can be purchased from Cabrera Custom Knives, Hendrix Handmade Custom Knives, and Al Warren Custom Knives.

Where can one purchase handmade toy boats?

Most handmade things are posted on Etsy, and they range from cheap to expensive. Just go on Etsy and search for a handmade toy boat and they will show up for you.

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because they are mostly handmade, and there are no two alike.

What is the sharpest knife for kichen use?

One that is handmade.

Where can one purchase handmade Jewish jewelry?

There are a few sites one can purchase handmade Jewish jewelry from. One can purchase from 'Jewish Gift Place', 'Your Holy Land Store' and 'Most Original'.

Where in California can one find handmade jewelry?

There are several locations in California where great handmade Jewelry can be found. One such location is "The Gold Bug" which is located in Pasadena, Union Street.