

Is happiness is correct

Updated: 3/25/2020
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10y ago

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You do spell Happiness Happiness, but the sentence would be, Is Happiness Spelt correct

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Q: Is happiness is correct
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What is the correct way to spell happiness?

That is the correct spelling of "happiness" (joy).

How do you spell happiness?

That is the correct spelling of 'happy' (joyous, or pleased).

How do you spell jubilance?

That is the correct spelling of "jubilance" (extreme happiness, delight).

Do you say 'I am happy at you' or 'I am happy with you'?

"I am happy with you" is the correct phrase to use, as it conveys a sense of happiness in relation to the other person. "I am happy at you" is not a common or grammatically correct way of expressing happiness towards someone.

What is the Latin translation of 'A kiss of lovers is a moment of total happiness' and 'Kisses of lovers is a moment of total happiness' and what will be the most grammatically correct?

Basium amatorum momentum laetitiae totalis est. - A kiss of lovers is a moment of total happiness. (more grammatically correct) Basia amatorum momentum laetitae totalis est. - Kisses of lovers is a moment of total happiness.

Why doesn't anyone answer my questions?

There may be a few reasons why your question isn't being answered:1. You are asking your question in the form of a statement, instead of a question.Example:Incorrect: "The meaning of happiness."Correct: "What is the meaning of happiness?"2. You aren't asking a complete question.Example:Incorrect: "Happiness?"Correct: "What is the meaning of happiness?"3. You are asking more than one question at a time.Example:Incorrect: "What is the meaning of happiness and how do you acquire it?"Correct: "What is the meaning of happiness?" and "How do you acquire happiness?"4. You're using punctuation, such as commas or periods. The question mark at the end of your question will be inserted by the system after you click on Submit Question.5. You are adding personal details or dates in your question.See the WikiAnswers Style Guide for more information on WikiAnswers style rules.

Life used to crave for happiness now its carved out from it is this the correct sentence?

That sentence is not correct. I can't even tell what you are trying to say.

How do you spell happyness?

The correct spelling is "happiness." It is spelled with one 'y' in the middle.

Who was quoted to say the secret to happiness is someone to love?

Correct version is: "Happiness consists of three things: someone to love, work to do, and a clear conscience." Author is anonymous.

How do you spell happenes?

The correct spelling is "happens." It is a verb used to indicate things that occur or take place.

What is the correct spelling for bless or bliss?

Both are actual words, with distinct meanings.bless - to consecrate or impart a religious commendationbliss - happiness, joy

What does VIVA mean?

Viva! means HOORAY, it is an exclamation of joy/ happiness. not to be confused with the spanish word (vida) which means life. ====================Correct Answer==================================================================