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No they got divorced when he was 7

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Q: Is harry styles parents together
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Who are Harry Styles's parents?

Harry Styles' parents are Des Styles and Anne Cox.

Are Harry Styles parents dead yet?

No. As of June 2013, both of Harry Styles' parents were still alive.

Is Taylor Swift divorced with Harry Styles?

Her parents didn't get divorced-it was just a catchy song lyric. Her parents are 100% together!

Are Selena Gomez and Harry Styles together?

No.Selena Gomez and Harry Styles are not dating.

What are the parents names of Harry styles?

Des Styles and Anne Cox

When did Harry Styles mum and dad split?

Harry Styles parents are not seperated actually its Louis Tomlinson whose parents are seperated!!!

Is Harry styles mother and father together?

No there not together, Harry has a step dad.

How old are Harry Styles's parents?

his dad is 62

Who are the parents of Harry Styles?

Des Styles and Anne Cox,his stepfather is Robin Twist.

Is Harry Styles their real name?

Harry Edward Milward is his real name, but he uses 'Styles' in his professional career, like the DJ Darren Mew (Darren Styles, no relation).

Are Harry Styles' parents divorced?

Yes but he has a step dad

Are Harry Styles's parents divorced?

Yes but he has a step dad