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Yes, the word hate is a noun, a common, singular, abstract noun. Hate is also a verb (hates, hating, hated).

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Q: Is hate a noun
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Is hate an abstract noun or a common noun?

The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.A related abstract noun is hatred.The abstract noun form of the verb to 'hate' is the gerund, hating.The concrete noun form of the verb to 'hate' is hater, a word for a person.

What part of speech is hate?

A noun, verb, or adjective:Hate is a dangerous vice. (noun, subject of the sentence)I hate him. (verb)He was arrested for his hate speech. (adjective, describes the noun 'speech')

What is a noun formed from the the verb hate?

The noun forms of the verb to hate are hatred and the gerund, hating. The word 'hate' is also a noun form; an abstract noun; a word for an emotion.

What is hate as a noun?

The noun 'hate' is a noun, a common, abstract noun; a word for an intense dislike for someone or something; a word for an emotion.

What is the latin word for hate?

Hate (noun) - odium. To hate - odire.

Is hatred an adjective?

No. Hatred is a noun synonymous with the noun hate. Adjectives could be hated (object of hate), or hateful (expressing hate).

What is the noun form of hate?

The word hate is a noun; a common, singular, abstract noun, a word for an intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion, a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb 'to hate' are hater (one who hates), hatred, and the gerund, hating.

What is the abstract noun of the verb hate?

The abstract noun forms of the verb to hate are hatredand the gerund, hating.The noun 'hate' is an abstract noun as a word for an emotion.The abstract noun form can be hate or hatred. As nouns they have the same meaning, but hatred is more specifically directed toward or against someone or some concept.

What is the abstract noun for hate?

The word 'hate' is an abstract noun, a word for an intense or passionate dislike; a word for an emotion.The abstract noun forms of the verb to hate are hatredand the gerund, hating.Examples:Noun: Hate has a value when it spurs changes for the better.Verb: When you hate broccoli, you should plant carrots.

What is the difference in meaning between the words hate and hatred?

To me the difference is as simple as basic english. Hate is an action or verb. "I hate you." Hatred is a feeling or noun. "Hatred drove him to violence." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Though Hate is usually used as a verb, it is also a noun. But Hatred is always a noun.

Is hateful an adjective?

No, it is not. The word hate can be an abstract noun (hatred) or a verb, where it would have adjectives including hated. In compound terms such as hate crime, hate is a noun adjunct.

Is hate an abstract noun?

Yes, hate is an abstract noun. An abstract noun is something that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; it can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. You may see the face of someone whose angry or hear the words of anger, but the anger itself is what that person is feeling, not their face or their words.The word hate is both a noun (hatred) and a verb (to hate).Noun: Hate has a value when it spurs changes for the better.Verb: Don't hate your enemy; succeed in spite of their hatred.