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Its not for sure, But it is pretty likely if you don't use protection

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Q: Is having intercourse on day 3 of your period going to get me pregnant?
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You have your heavy period every month but you think you might be pregnant?

If your having a heavy period its very slim that you are pregnant. But if you had sex while you are pregnant you can actually get pregnant while having intercourse on your period. What exactly make you feel you are pregnant? and if you were pregnant before this period you need to see a doctor A.S.A.P. Something is going on in there.

If you get cramps for weeks after your period is that normal?

I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this question, but if you've had a normal period with normal flow since your last intercourse you are not pregnant.

For how long is it normal to have a period while pregnant?

If you are pregnant then you shouldn't be having periods, I advise that you go and visit your doctor to find out what is going wrong.

Does having cramps means your pregnant?

No. It most likely means that you are going to get your period sometime in the next few days.

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 days after intercourse?

You can, but you are not going to get a correct answer if you want to know if that one act of intercourse 5 days ago got you pregnant! I suggest waiting to see if your period is late, and testing then if needed. ~pawsalmighty

If im having your period and you have some pains like im pregnant can you stil take a test would it work?

If YOUR having MY period, and I'M having some pains like YOUR pregnant, then WE BOTH BETTER HAVE SOME TESTS DONE because there are some mysterious happenings going on!

My period was late i took a pregnancy test and it said not pregnant i am having brown discharge and have for about a month what is going on?

the brown discharge may be your period in a different color

How can you go about getting pregnant?

You can become pregnant about 8 days from having your period. Its a better time to ensure you become pregnant. Also, you should be the one laying down when your partner ejaculates into your vagina to ensure that his sperm is well inside, but if you are on top of him while he does, its less likely to happen as the sperm can flow out of the vagina easier. Try refraning from going to the bathroom as soon as you both have ended intercourse. That way the sperm can properly get inside you.

Your belly is unusually largeare you pregnant?

If this is your only symptom no. And you would most likely know you are pregnant before you started showing. Your symptoms are most likely going to be nausea, breast changes, missed period, increased sense of smell etc. one to two weeks after intercourse.

Can showering after intercourse reduce chance of getting pregnant?

No. The sperm needed to fertilize an egg is already inside of you. Although it helps to lay down for about 1/2 an hour after intercourse when trying to get pregnant, getting up and taking a shower after isn't going to keep you from getting pregnant.

Can you have a miscarriage after what you thought was a period a week later?

YES if you think that you are pregnant or were pregnant and are having a miscarriage get to your doctor ASAP so that they can see what is really going on and to do any necessary procedures Good luck and God Bless!!!

You notice a smell when your boyfriend and you start to have intercourse What is it from?

Probably you, your having sex its going to smell a little.