

Is having the blood type AB rare?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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AO is just like A bloodtype so u can consider that as rare

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Anyone having blood type AB has the most common blood type found. It is the most common blood type found in humans and is most required at local blood banks.

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What are rare types of blood?

type ab- is the rarest, with an average of 1% of the population having it.

What blood type is rich or rare?

AB negative is the rarest blood type. AB positive is the second rarest blood type. The negative blood types are more rare than the positive. The common blood type is o.

What blood is rare?

Having a rare blood group (such as AB negative) would make someone a rare blood donor.

What are some differences of having ab blood compared to having a different blood type?

ab blood can be transfused into only someone who is also ab but someone who is ab can receive any other type of blood. people with o blood can give to anybody but can only receive from other o people

Why can type AB blood only donate to other Ab blood?

Bcoz it is rare

Which blood types are rare today?

According to the red cross website AB- is the rarest blood type, but B- and AB+ are also rare. Ethnicity may impact blood type: O- is rare in Asian people but relatively common for Caucasians.

The second most rare blood type?


What type of blood a kid would have when the father has AB type and the mother A type?

If the father has AB blood, we know his genotype is AB. But if the mother has type A blood, she can either have AO or AA. If you cross AB x AO in a Punnett Square, the child would have a 50% chance of having type A blood, 25% chance of having AB and 25% chance of having type B. If you cross AB x AA, the child would have a 50% chance of having type A and a 50% chance of having type AB.

Where is ab negative not rare?

Well, for the rarest blood type that there is, the continent that has the highest concentration of people with an AB- blood type is Europe. Basically, this blood type is rare no matter where you go, as countries in Europe still reported approximately 1% of the nation having such a blood type. In the US, this was estimated at being 0.6%; however, the UK, France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Poland, and several other countries in Europe have AB- populations of 1% of the nation. The places with the lowest concentrations of AB- blood types are China, South Korea and Japan with 0.05% of the nation having AB- blood.

How rare is it to have AB blood?

AB blood type is rare. It is also a rather new blood type. People with this blood type have qualities of people with A and sometimes characteristics of those who have type B. Less than 5% of the population in America has this.

Uncommon blood type?

AB - blood type is the rarest blood type, followed by AB + being the second rarest. Its usually not good to have a rare blood type, considering that its rare and if you ever need a blood transfer, your blood type would be harder to find. If your considering donating your rare blood, it'll definitely be useful towards the other few people with the same blood type that need a transfer.

Is ab blood type a positive?

yes there is but it is rare