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Solar radiation (heat energy) is redistributed globally by wind and ocean currents.

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4mo ago

Yes, heat energy is constantly redistributed globally through processes such as ocean currents, atmospheric circulation, and the water cycle. This helps to regulate Earth's climate and temperature by moving heat from warmer regions to cooler regions.

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Q: Is heat energy redistributed globally
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Describe how this heat energy is redistributed globally?


In the sense that as the earth's surface is heated by the light from the Sun it is heated unequally describe how this heat energy is redistributed globally?

Through deep ocean currents and atmosphere currents i.i the elnemo (high speed jet wind current) circulating the globe.

How is heat energy redistributed?

Heat energy is redistributed through processes such as conduction, convection, and radiation. In conduction, heat is transferred through direct contact between materials. Convection involves the movement of fluids to distribute heat. Radiation transfers heat through electromagnetic waves. These processes work together to redistribute thermal energy in various systems.

If energy cannot be created or destroyed where did the energy go?

Energy can be redistributed into other venues.

If energy can not be destroyed what happens with the energy you have in your body when you die?

It gets redistributed into the world.

How is heat redistributed from the equator to the poles?

Energy is not distributed from the Equator. All forms of energy that come to Earth are distributed as equally as possible, but because of the Earth's shape, the Equator gets more.

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Which property of oceans best explains why they have a major effect on climate?

The high heat capacity of oceans allows them to absorb and store large amounts of heat energy from the sun. This stored heat is released slowly over time, impacting atmospheric temperatures and influencing climate patterns globally.

How energy enters the earth?

Energy enters the Earth's system through various processes, including solar radiation, which provides the primary source of energy. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface and then redistributed through processes such as convection, conduction, and advection. Other sources of energy entering the Earth include in the form of geothermal heat and gravitational energy from the moon and other celestial bodies.

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The weight of an object is redistributed, making a smaller mass to be moved at any point of energy.

When wave interfere is there a loss of energy?

In general, when waves interfere, there is no loss of energy. Energy is redistributed between the wave amplitudes based on whether they constructively or destructively interfere. In cases of destructive interference, the energy is not lost but rather redistributed in a way that cancels out the wave amplitudes.

What type of energy is the most used?

The most used type of energy globally is fossil fuel energy, which includes coal, oil, and natural gas. These sources are widely used for electricity generation, transportation, and heating due to their high energy content and relatively low cost.