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Probably yes. It may make the popcorn slightly soggy. And you may need quite a lot to get a buttery taste (which is usually something concentrated and artificial).

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Q: Is heating up butter and putting it in popcorn a solution?
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popcorn with butter is a solution or a mixture?

Popcorn is a mixture.

What is the name of the popcorn bag with the butter on the side?

Its called butter popcorn or cheese popcorn

Do popcorn machines have build in butter makers?

Popcorn machines do not have built in butter makers. Butter must be melted on the stove and added to the popcorn machines bin. The best butter to use is a dairy product that can be purchased at any grocery.

Which brand of popcorn pops fastest?

The Coles Butter and Honey Popcorn.

Popcorn- What is the nutitional value of popcorn?

without butter very high

How many calories are there in movie theater popcorn with and without extra butter?

570 calories in a small popcorn without butter

Can you have popcorn on a vegan diet?

Unflavored popcorn is vegan always. Generally it is air popped or popped by heating in vegetable oil. Where you need to be careful is when the popcorn is butter flavored or flavored in any way. Butter is obviously not vegan. But they are sneaky about some ingredients and you should read the side of the box if you are going to use microwave popcorn, especially if it is flavored. Popcorn you just buy in a bag plain and pop at home is vegan unless you were to pop it in bacon grease or something odd like that.

Why is popcorn yellow?

because of the butter

What makes popcorn fluffy?


How do you maker popcorn buttery at home?

You can melt butter and pour it over your popcorn. You can purchase a butter-flavored salt such as Flavacol and sprinkle that on it.

What is Selena Gomez's favorite type of popcorn?

Regular popcorn with alot of butter

Can you use extra butter popcorn to make popcorn balls?

No you use milk