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Yes, helium is a Nobel gas.

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6mo ago

Yes, helium is part of the noble gases family. The noble gases are a group of elements that are colorless, odorless, and have low chemical reactivity. They are located in Group 18 (VIII A) of the Periodic Table.

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Is neon a part of the noble gases family or the inert gases family?

Yes. Neon is a part of noble gases (or inert gases)

What is the family name for neon on the periodic table?

Neon is a noble gas located in period 2 on the periodic table.

To which family do argon and helium belong?

Argon and Helium are part of the noble gasses family.

Which gases are part of your air?

Nitrogen(78%);Oxygen(21%);Noble gases such as Helium, Neon, Argon etc.(0.94%); Carbon dioxide(0.03%);Others(0.03%).

What is neon's family name called?

In the periodic table, there are three groups: Metals, Metalliods, and Nonmetals. I'm not sure what family it belongs to, but I do know it's part of the Nonmetals that's for sure.

Is nitrogen a part of the noble gas family?

No. It is however highly unreactive, similar to noble gases (except under extreme conditions)

Is Oxygen not part of the noble gases family?

No. oxygen has only 6 valence electrons and belongs to group 16. Noble gases have 8 valence electrons and belong to group 18

What is heliums period and group?

Helium is part of a group called the Noble Gases. This group is made up of six different gases, their names are: Helium (H), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), and Radon (Rn).

How did Dmitri Mendeleev discover the periodic table with noble gases?

When Mendeleev proposed his periodic table, the noble gases had not been discovered, so they did not play a part in his development of the periodic table.

Is helium an ion?

Yes helium is an atom. It is stable. It is placed in group 18.Yes, helium is a monoatomic molecule. It is stable itself as it has already achieved maximum possible electrons in its outermost shell. It is the only element in group 18 without 8 electrons in valence shell.

Can an atom take part in a reaction?

yes, but noble gases no

Is neon is a group?

It is a part of a group (the noble gases)the group also includesargonkryptonxenonradonhelium