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No but it causes blood loss as the condition causes internal bleeding

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Q: Is hemorrhagic anemia a result of blood loss?
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What is hemorragia anemia?

Anemia is reduced hemoglobin in blood. One cause of anemia is blood loss. Bleeding is called hemorrhagia. Anemia caused by blood loss is hemorrhagic anemia.

What is the most common cause of anemia?

The most common cause of anemia is blood loss.

Loss of red blood cells is known as?


The loss of red blood cells is known as?


When should acute blood loss anemia following surgery be coded as a complication of the?

When the physican states that the large amount of amount of blood loss is due to the surgery and causing the anemia.

Can anemia make you loose weight?

Anemia will not cause weight loss. Anemia is inadequate red blood cells in your blood.

What is the medical definition of anemia?

Anemia is when one has fewer blood cells than normal. There can be many causes for anemia such as excessive blood loss, poor red blood cell production, or destruction of the blood cells.

What causes anemia after cardiac surgery?

If you had a great blood loss during the surgery, then this could of caused the Anemia.

Does the hookworm cause anemia?

Yes, hookworm is the name for two species of worms: Ancylostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus. They produce anemia because they suck blood from the intestinal mucosa and damage it. The result is a loss of protein and iron.

Is anemia a genetic disorder?

Anemia is a broad disorder that literally translates as 'no blood'. In medical practice, anemia is a condition in which there are insufficient normal red blood cells to provide oxygen to the body tissues. Anemia can be caused by a wide variety of things: large volume blood loss, infection, cancer and toxins can all result in various types of anemia. There are also genetic causes of anemia. Two commonly discussed genetic anemias are sickle cell anemia and hemophilia-related anemia. Sickle cell anemia developed in Africa, where malaria parasites are common. A heterozygous individual has about 15% abnormal red blood cells that are crescent-shaped and don't transport oxygen well. Hemophilia was traced to a point mutation in the English royal line in the Middle Ages, which then spread throughout Europe via marriage among the royal houses. Hemophilia actually results in blood that does not clot properly, which can result in anemia due to chronic blood loss through hemorrhages.

What is anemia and how is it treated?

anemia is a blood disorder. there are many types all of which are to do with blood. It is treated differently compared to the severeness of it. you can have blood transplants, bone marrow transfusions... yeh

What causes red blood cells?

Anemia has multiple causes, the most common of which are 1) iron deficiency anemia, and 2) blood loss anemia. There are many, many other causes, as well.